
  • Helps Pōhatu Conservation Trust

    Our mission is to protect and preserve the rich environmental heritage of Pōhatu and Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/ Banks peninsula, from the land to the sea. We will continue with Kororā kaitiakitanga – White-flippered penguin conservation, research, education and advocacy for the future generations of Aotearoa/ New Zealand to see abundant native wildlife once again.

The aims of our trust are:

To preserve and protect New Zealand's biodiversity, fauna and flora, animals and their habitats and the environmental heritage of Pōhatu Bay and Banks Peninsula.

To undertake or facilitate the provision of education opportunities to New Zealanders of all ages on conservation.

To share information and raise awareness of conservation necessary in New Zealand to ensure the longevity of fauna and flora, marine and other wildlife for future generations.

To commission, advance and support research on conservation, fauna and flora, marine and other wildlife in New Zealand.