Your hosts, the Helps Family, have farmed sheep at Pōhatu Bay for over 40 years. They have also closed up over 40% of their farm into Covenants and Reserves to recreate luxurious ancient forests and allow the native fauna to navigate and expand their territory.
Apart from Little Penguins we have another passion and that is for Sheep and the wonderful eco-fibre they produce.
Ruminants evolved 90,000,000 years ago and the sheep is the best carbon-converting animal locking carbon into wool from eating grass that sequesters atmospheric carbon, thus making wool the ultimate eco biodegradable fibre. With the huge move from Wool to planet-destroying plastics including microplastic from plastic-based clothing, many of the big wool-producing breeds are very close to extinction. We are breeding some of these now rare breeds to make sure when the world comes to the realization organic is best there will be at least a small amount of wool-producing sheep to build the flocks of the future.
The four long wool breeds are Romney, English Leicester, Valais Blacknose and Longwool Lincoln.